Celebrating 41 Years Of Helping Kids With Cancer!
Since 1983, the Green Valley Turkey Trot has been raising money to make life better for kids hospitalized with cancer and other serious illnesses. We need YOU to continue this 41-year tradition of caring for kids by joining us for the 41st Annual Green Valley Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.
Last year, we raised OVER $35,000 to benefit three great charities for kids in the hospital: Hope for Henry, Ari’s Bears, and Josh’s Jammies. WOW!
NEW! We’re Going To The Dogs This Year!
Doggone it! This year, we’re adding a new category for participants – and a new charity! That’s right, we want you to register your dog to participate. They’ll get a special Green Valley Turkey Trot bandana and part of the money raised will go to the Baltimore County Humane Society. WOOF!

Here’s more good news:
We’re doing it all over again this year! Registration is now open for the 2024 Green Valley Turkey Trot 5-Mile and 5K (that’s about 3.1 miles) races.
Do it for the kids – and now, also for the homeless pets… Register today!
IMPORTANT – DEADLINE EXTENDED AGAIN! Register by noon on Thursday, November 14, to ensure you get a t-shirt, and your pooch gets a cool bandana!
Race Information
Thursday, November 28th
Chestnut Ridge Park
Greenspring Ave & Ridge Rd
Owings Mills, MD 21117
8:00 AM – Day-of Registration
9:00 AM – Race Begins
Not a Runner? That’s okay.
You can still contribute to this great cause! Your donation will benefit the kids through Hope for Henry and Josh’s Jammies AND will benefit homeless pets through the Humane Society of Baltimore County.
So donate and sleep-in – or come and just enjoy the festive atmosphere with us on Thanksgiving morning.
It’s All About the Kids
The Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Company organizes and staffs the Green Valley Turkey Trot to help hospitalized children. This year, the Turkey Trot will benefit two great charities that support children with cancer – Hope for Henry and Josh’s Jammies – and for the first time the Turkey Trot will support homeless pets through the Baltimore Humane Society.

Hope for Henry is reinventing how hospitals care for seriously ill children and their families through innovative programs that entertain, reduce stress and empower children to be active participants in their own care. Watch this great video, above, that describes why Laurie Strongin and Alan Goldberg started Hope for Henry in 2003 and all the wonderful things this amazing foundation does for hospitalized kids in our area and nationwide.
Josh’s Jammies collects pajamas for kids with cancer. These kids spend a lot of time in their pajamas, or in boring hospital gowns. Josh’s Jammies collects all sizes of pajamas for boys and girls with cancer. Be a superhero and bring new kids’ pajamas to the Turkey Trot to donate!
The Baltimore Humane Society is a private, non-profit, volunteer based organization that provides a temporary home, a safe refuge, and care for thousands of homeless animals every year. They operate a low-cost, subsidized Spay, Neuter & Vaccine Clinic, which assists in helping to control the epidemic of pet overpopulation and serve low-income pet owners with quality pet care and vaccinations. In addition, the Baltimore Humane Society Memorial Park, on the grounds of BHS, provides a final resting place for many beloved pets.

The Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Company is a 100% volunteer company, providing emergency medical services and firefighting to homes and businesses in rural Greenspring Valley across Owings Mills, Reisterstown, Lutherville, and Cockeysville. When the original organizer of the Turkey Trot couldn’t continue, the volunteers at Chestnut Ridge Fire Company took over to continue this wonderful tradition on “The Ridge!”
Be a Hero – Be a Sponsor!
Want to do more? Take your participation to the next level by becoming a sponsor. With several sponsorship levels, we have the right package for you. Make a difference and get your brand out to hundreds of local residents.